Identifying Monitored Products with No Prices

Would you like a report of monitored products that do not have an Acquisition Cost and/or a Supplier Cost? Identifying such products will help ensure that your Inventory records are up-to date? Using a combination of the Inventory Summary report and Filter functions that are available in PharmaClik Rx Reports, it is possible to find just the information that you need.

  1. Select More > Reports. PharmaClik Rx Reports opens.
  2. Select Inventory in the report types on the left side of the screen
  3. Highlight Inventory Summary in the list of reports on the right side of the screen.
  4. Press the Next button.
  5. The Criteria tab for the Inventory Summary report appears on the screen. Leave the Start Date and End Date as is - the report period is irrelvant for the purposes of this procedure.
  6. If desired, enter report criteria or advanced report criteria (i.e. to see all products ordered from a specific supplier, enter a supplier in the Supplier field).
  7. Select a sort order from the Sort Options tab. (Optional)
  8. Select the Preview button. The report appears on the screen.
  9. Select the Filter button. The Filter window opens.
  10. Under New Filter Criteria, select ACQ COST from the Column dropdown list.
  11. Select EQUALS from the Operator dropdown list.
  12. Enter 0.0000 in the Value dropdown list.
  13. Select OR from the Logical dropdown list.
  14. A new row is added to the window. Select SUP COST from the Column dropdown list in the new row.
  15. Select EQUALS from the Operator dropdown list.
  16. Enter 0.0000 in the Value dropdown list.
  17. Press the OK button.

The screen returns to the report preview. The report now lists all drugs that have either an Acq Cost of $0.0000 or a Supplier Cost of $0.0000.

Note: To view products that have neither a Supplier Cost nor an Acq Cost, select AND from the Logical dropdown list in step 13 above.