Identifying Monitored Products with No Prices
Would you like a report of monitored products that do not have an Acquisition Cost and/or a Supplier Cost? Identifying such products will help ensure that your Inventory records are up-to date? Using a combination of the Inventory Summary report and Filter functions that are available in PharmaClik Rx Reports, it is possible to find just the information that you need.
- Select More > Reports. PharmaClik Rx Reports opens.
- Select Inventory in the report types on the left side of the screen
- Highlight Inventory Summary in the list of reports on the right side of the screen.
- Press the Next button.
- The Criteria tab for the Inventory Summary report appears on the screen. Leave the Start Date and End Date as is - the report period is irrelvant for the purposes of this procedure.
- If desired, enter report criteria or advanced report criteria (i.e. to see all products ordered from a specific supplier, enter a supplier in the Supplier field).
- Select a sort order from the Sort Options tab. (Optional)
- Select the Preview button. The report appears on the screen.
- Select the Filter button. The Filter window opens.
- Under New Filter Criteria, select ACQ COST from the Column dropdown list.
- Select EQUALS from the Operator dropdown list.
- Enter 0.0000 in the Value dropdown list.
- Select OR from the Logical dropdown list.
- A new row is added to the window. Select SUP COST from the Column dropdown list in the new row.
- Select EQUALS from the Operator dropdown list.
- Enter 0.0000 in the Value dropdown list.
- Press the OK button.
The screen returns to the report preview. The report now lists all drugs that have either an Acq Cost of $0.0000 or a Supplier Cost of $0.0000.
Note: To view products that have neither a Supplier Cost nor an Acq Cost, select AND from the Logical dropdown list in step 13 above.